Learning Activity week 3 – Sketching Techniques

This week challenges

This week task was to do fifteen sketches and to make an illustration for fruit juice packaging, were the product name is “Loose Juice” with orange and banana flavor.

When I first read the assignment I thought, now were talking. I finally was given the guts to figure out how Illustrator works. But i quickly realized that Adobe Illustrator was a really complicated program, and that I would need more time to be steady enough to use all the keyboard shortcuts effectively and to start understanding the principle of the different layers in one document. I had to google and use videoes at youtube for almost every step I made through my logo design, and I really hope I could use the program more independently in a couple of weeks.

The work was really instructive and I had much fun making my sketches and try to come up with ideas for a label for the new Loose Juice product.

Here are my…


Skjermbilde 2015-09-20 kl. 19.17.59 Skjermbilde 2015-09-20 kl. 19.18.13

I made a couple of sketches that was more playful and childish, and I tried to use the orange and banana icon inside some of the letters. In the second sketch I made, I thought out a more stamp characterized label. I pictured myself that the new Loose Juice logo could be combined with different colors in different stamps, and that the icon “Fruit Loose – orange and banana” could be used alone or together with the circle.

Skjermbilde 2015-09-20 kl. 19.18.21 Skjermbilde 2015-09-20 kl. 19.18.28

After some more drawing and playing with ideas, I really liked sketch number 10. The idea is that the lines in the logo should be clean, and that the logo should be more playful by using fresh colors (orange, yellow, green) to symbolize orange and bananas. The colors should reinforce the fruits, not the letters itself.

Skjermbilde 2015-09-20 kl. 19.18.38

The final product

After exploring Adobe Illustrator for the first time all by myself (without any colleagues hanging over my shoulder), I realized that I had some limitations. I find it hard to draw the fruits directly in the program, and I unfortunately ended up using a photo of an oranga an a banana. I wanted clean and well readable fonts. After trying some different opportunities, I landed on Century gothic in the circle and Bradley hand bold under the icon for “Loose Juice”. The idea is that the icon in the middle of the circle “Loose Juice – orange and banana” can be used alone, without the circle and the stamp touch around it.

After I finished my logo, I made four different color palettes, green, orange, yellow and transparent, in Adobe Photoshop. These four colors should characterize the product “Loose Juice – orange and banana” and are suppose to be in the labels air. I hope you like the final result. 🙂

Loose-Juice-greenlightback Loose-Juice-orangeback Loose-Juice-yellowbackLoose-Juice-noneback

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